rauast mehed USUS OÜ meeskonnal oli võimalus olla toeks pika ajalooga rahvusvahelisele taristuehitus- ja remondi ettevõttele. Üleüldiselt tänasele ajale iseloomulik …
bulk terminal at muuga port A prominent bulk services and transport provider from Finland actively engaged in the acquisition of …
lääne-virumaa before & after During this project, Usus OÜ had to assume control and complete the construction of the infrastructure …
Road heat restorations In 2014, during my tenure as Pavement Technologies Manager at Teede REV-2 AS, we achieved a significant …
RAPLAMAA before & after The USUS team assumed responsibility for and completed a portion of the infrastructure project on behalf …
JÄRVAMAA The Usus team assumed responsibility for completing a portion of the infrastructure project on behalf of the client, replacing …
OWNER’S SUPERVISION Engaged in the capacity of owner supervision services, our involvement was integral during the execution of state-ordered asphalt …
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