
usus richard viies

Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. Welcome to Usus, the company by Richard Viies. 

‘Usus’ – pronounced [ˈuːs̠ʊs̠]

Translations from Latin:

  1. use, employment, exercise, advantage
  2. practice
  3. experience, discipline, skill
  4. habit, usage, custom
  5. neediness, necessity, need, want, exigency


Translation from Estonian:

  1. in faith
  2. in good faith

Welcome to USUS OÜ, where the essence of our name, rooted in Latin, epitomizes expertise and experience. Founded to address the practical needs of companies requiring tailored skills, we embody a wealth of insights gleaned from the infrastructure sector since 1998. Our journey, from serving as tactical leaders in major corporations to assuming strategic roles as top executives, has been marked by an unwavering commitment to understanding the intricacies of organizations in the market.

With a career spanning hands-on project execution to managerial heights, our team has honed a distinct proficiency in risk assessment and strategic decision-making. USUS OÜ was born from the recognition that organizations encounter similar challenges at various developmental junctures, and critical practical knowledge may not always be readily available. Our experiences, including navigating both market peaks and economic downturns, form the bedrock of our practical expertise.

At USUS OÜ, we offer clients expert and experience-driven management assistance, empowering them to navigate challenges efficiently and resourcefully. Our approach not only safeguards against larger risks but also ensures that critical knowledge is accessible precisely when needed. Welcome to a consultancy that understands your industry’s nuances and stands ready to fortify your organizational journey.

want to learn more? drop me a line

who are you,
richard viies?

I am an Engineer Extraordinaire and this is my Journey from Gears to Greatness

I’m an engineering whiz with a knack for leadership and a passion for propelling teams to new heights. I believe in lifting others up, because together, we can achieve greatness.

My engineering background from Tallinn University of Technology (TTÜ) has given me a sharp mind and a deep understanding of the world around me. But technical knowledge alone isn’t enough to be a true leader. I’ve honed my management, sales, and marketing skills through real-world experiences, both triumphs and tribulations.

During my university days, I took inspiration from seasoned engineers who had apprenticed under various masters. I’ve been fortunate to work with industry leaders like NCC, Skanska, Merko, Lemminkäinen, and many more, gaining invaluable insights along the way.

The ever-changing modern world demands constant adaptation and innovation. Organizations must embrace this dynamism to thrive. I’ve seen it firsthand, navigating challenges and devising strategies to propel companies forward.

My diverse career has given me a comprehensive understanding of the Estonian business landscape. I’ve led numerous infrastructure construction projects, gaining unique expertise in risk assessment and strategy selection.

I’m well-versed in legal frameworks, normative documents, national governance principles, and procurement procedures. My quick adaptability, combined with perseverance and resourcefulness, has made me a sought-after negotiator, dispute resolver, and efficiency expert.

Over the past decade, I’ve been an open and goal-oriented communicator, forging lasting relationships with clients across Estonia, Finland, Latvia, France, Germany, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, and Ukraine. My heavy machinery expertise gives me a unique perspective, helping clients make informed supplier selection and purchasing decisions.

My team and I thrive on challenges and the opportunity to create long-term value. We’re constantly seeking new opportunities and developing strategies tailored to specific conditions. Our clients appreciate our performance, persuasive arguments, accuracy, attention to detail, and ability to get things done.

In short, I’m an engineering maestro, a leadership maestro, and a maestro of making things happen. Let’s work together to create a symphony of success.



BEng in Transportation & Highway Engineering, 
in 2024, shall add
MASc in Construction & Civil Engineering

Merko and
Tallinna Teede AS
a blue logo
Launch of Usus OÜ
Estonian Infra Construction Association
Tallinn University of Applied Sciences

Adjunct Professor

teaming up with

For large-scale projects


  1. Vana Tallinn OÜ antiquities research
  2. Ancient researches of Roosaken OÜ
  3. Selektor Insenerid OÜ construction studies
  4. Selektor Projekt OÜ infrastructure design
  5. Teedeprojekt OÜ infrastructure design
  6. Infragate Eesti AS construction studies, owner supervision, building design
  7. SA Estonian Mycology Research Center expertise on biodamage of buildings
  8. Archeology Center NGO archaeological research
  9. Construction geology of REIB OÜ
  10. P.P. Owner supervision of Ehitusjärelevalve OÜ
  11. Teede Tehnokeskus AS test laboratory
  12. Inspecta Estonia OÜ
  13. MTÜ Estonian Standardization and Accreditation Center accreditations
  14. Certification of engineering firm Vahter & Hendrikson OÜ
  15. Tallinn University of Technology research and laboratory service
  16. Tallinn University of Applied Sciences research and laboratory service
  17. infraTest Prüftechnik GmbH laboratory equipment
  1. Vana Tallinn OÜ muinasuuringud
  2. Roosaken OÜ muinasuuringud
  3. Selektor Insenerid OÜ ehitusuuringud
  4. Selektor Projekt OÜ taristu projekteerimine
  5. Teedeprojekt OÜ taristu projekteerimine
  6. Infragate Eesti AS ehitusuuringud, omanikujärelevalve, hoonete projekteerimine
  7. SA Eesti Mükoloogiauuringute Keskus hoonete biokahjustuste ekspertiisid
  8. Arheoloogiakeskus MTÜ arheoloogilised uuringud
  9. REIB OÜ ehitusgeoloogia
  10. P.P. Ehitusjärelevalve OÜ omanikujärelevalve
  11. Teede Tehnokeskus AS katselabor
  12. Inspecta Estonia OÜ
  13. MTÜ Eesti Standardimis- ja Akrediteerimiskeskus akrediteeringud
  14. Inseneribüroo Vahter & Hendrikson OÜ sertifitseerimine
  15. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool teadus ja laboriteenus
  16. Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool teadus ja laboriteenus
  17. infraTest Prüftechnik GmbH laboriseadmed


  1. TREV-2 Grupp AS infrastructure construction, asphalt mixtures, laboratory service
  2. OÜ Go Track railway construction and maintenance
  3. KE Infra OÜ utility network construction
  4. BILDGREN Ehitus OÜ general construction
  5. AS YIT Estonian general and infrastructure construction, construction of boiler houses
  6. Joint-stock company EHITUSFIRMA RAND JA TUULBERG general construction
  7. Hausers Ehitus OÜ general construction
  8. Asphalting by Abetone Ehitus OÜ
  9. General construction and developments of KRC Ehitus OÜ
  10. Baltpile Osaühing piles
  11. Roadwest OÜ infrastructure
  12. KMG Infra OÜ infrastructure construction, asphalt production
  13. OÜ RTS Infraehitus infraehitus
  14. Joint-stock company MATTHÄI EHITUS infrastructure construction
  15. Private limited company Roadservice infrastructure construction, research, georeinforcement
  16. Nordpont OÜ bridge construction
  17. Infrastructure networks and equipment of Corle OÜ
  18. Joint-stock company Klotoid infrastructure
  19. TREF AS infrastructure construction
  20. WIRTGEN EESTI OÜ infrastructure construction heavy equipment
  1. TREV-2 Grupp AS infraehitus, asfaltsegud, laboriteenus
  2. OÜ Go Track raudteeehitus ja -hooldus
  3. KE Infra OÜ tehnovõrkude ehitus
  4. BILDGREN Ehitus OÜ üldehitus
  5. AS YIT Eesti üld- ja infraehitus, katlamajade ehitus
  6. Aktsiaselts EHITUSFIRMA RAND JA TUULBERG üldehitus
  7. Hausers Ehitus OÜ üldehitus
  8. Abetone Ehitus OÜ asfalteerimine
  9. KRC Ehitus OÜ üldehitus ja arendused
  10. Baltpile Osaühing puurvaiad
  11. Roadwest OÜ infraehitus
  12. KMG Infra OÜ infraehitus, asfaldi tootmine
  13. OÜ RTS Infraehitus infraehitus
  14. Osaühing MATTHÄI EHITUS infraehitus
  15. Osaühing Roadservice taristuehitus, uuringud, geoarmeering
  16. Nordpont OÜ sillaehitus
  17. Corle OÜ infrastruktuurivõrgud ja seadmed
  18. Osaühing Klotoid infraehitus
  19. TREF AS taristuehitus
  20. WIRTGEN EESTI OÜ taristuehituse rasketehnika

building materials

  1. Kemotar OÜ aggregates
  2. Aigren OÜ aggregates
  3. Betoonimeister AS concrete
  4. Ammann bitumen equipment
  5. Telko Estonia OÜ chemical products
  6. AS Kiirkandur aggregates
  7. NYNAS AS bitumen
  8. ORLEN Eesti OÜ bitumen
  9. OÜ Oilman fuels
  10. Eesti Energia’s fuels
  11. AC Tehased OÜ asphalt mixtures
  12. OÜ Väo Paas aggregates
  1. Kemotar OÜ täitematerjalid
  2. Aigren OÜ täitematerjalid
  3. Betoonimeister AS
  4. Ammann bituumeni seadmed
  5. Telko Estonia OÜ keemiatooted
  6. AS Kiirkandur täitematerjalid
  7. NYNAS AS bituumen
  8. ORLEN Eesti OÜ bituumen
  9. OÜ Oilman kütused
  10. Eesti Energia kütused
  11. AC Tehased OÜ asfaltsegud
  12. OÜ Väo Paas täitematerjalid


  1. OÜ Nordauto Grupp purchase and sale of heavy equipment
  2. SF-Fennica Oy purchase and sale of heavy equipment
  1. OÜ Nordauto Grupp rasketehnika ost-müük
  2. SF-Fennica Oy rasketehnika ost-müük


  1. Enery Estonia OÜ solar and wind energy
  2. Joint stock company Kaamos Kinnisvara
  3. Estiko AS
  1. Enery Estonia OÜ päikese- ja tuuleenergia
  2. Aktsiaselts Kaamos Kinnisvara
  3. Estiko AS


  1. Law Office TURNSTONE
  2. Law firm WALLESS
  3. Law Office Bjork Legal
  4. Priit Palmiste law firm
  5. Law firm Simson Straus
  6. OÜ Agenda Public Relations
  7. Meta Advisory Group OÜ


  1. Estonian Infrastructure Construction Association (Eesti Taristuehituse Liit)
    • infrastructure construction and issuing a qualification
  2. Estonian Union of Civil Engineers (Eesti Ehitusinseneride Liit)
    • civil engineers and issuing a qualification
  3. Estonian Qualification Authority (Kutsekoda SA)
    • future needs of the labour market

what clients say

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